"posts" search function not working

I am making a craigslist style classified ads section on my site and I have put up a post called "testing" but i was unable to find it when going to the search menu and inputting "testing" into the search term box.

It also did not pop up when I clicked the category it is under, "hair and beauty"

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Replies (21)
    • i went to go sign up for your site to have a look at this, but i can't make new posts.  :) left you a comment or two!

      • THANK YOU! I hope I didn't accidentally erase the comments lol? I'm messing with the classifieds section right now :-)

        • oh I know why, my email still isnt working so you cant verify, someone here told me how to manually verify you I will do that

          • oh nice, I went to manually confirm your account and it says "Cannot perform the action for selected account(s " greatttttttttttttttttt lol I'm so tired of bugs and non working sites right now and my brain is tired and fried, I am off to sleep ack, thank you for looking at it 😃 😀 😁

            • UPDATE! The search form is working now if I check the category like "gardening" 

              but NONE of the text search boxes are working wahhhh (????)

              • i was able to verify my own profile.. :)

                • does your chat work over there?  

                  • it depends how you set up your layout, you have a pretty minimalist look going on over there, and my guess is at the beginning you may have deleted things and then re-created them later without the system names, or with different ones.    
                    so the pieces of the site cant talk together in total sync, if i am correct.
                    you would be experiencing things like creating a section (as per your design) on someones profile, and then have that thing not link to anything else, or be searchable, etc, in the ways the menu systems are laid out in the editing stuff in the studio..
                    what i mean another way is if you dramatically re-created the way the different parts of your site work, without re-defining those variables (in this case the variables in question tell what components of the site like say, "timeline" where the other pieces that plug in, and integrate with the timeline actually are, in the files that your site is made up of.

                    the result? it would be that your site cant really talk to itseslf.   20 % of the files learned a new language, we'll call it "mergedia" , and they refuse to talk to the other 80% of your sites files because they are so enamoured with their newly learned language, yet the 80% of the files... well thoe files feel as though they are getting an astrophysics lesson in maori, while having grown up in minnesota, or the middle of wyoming or something.   it just doesn't work.  :)

                    • OH! uh oh lol how did you do that lol?

                      • Sneaky! lol 😁 😂

                        • I haven't even gotten to that part yet lol I see two kind of chat thingies and I will have to choose which one to use eventually lol. I think only one is working

                          • ok well I did minimalize it because it was a morass! Total mess! I couldn't make heads or tails of it..... I'm an organizer so I started organizing its sections. All I did was move the "posts" page up top and turn it into "classifieds" because it had "posts" AND it had timeline posts! VERY VERY confusing! so i separated the two.... and labeled them clearly..... but now the search function won't work at all if it ever did. does search function work in your "posts" section? (the section of posts with subjects like "gardening") I also want to re-do all of those topics or add topics, the topics don't even have any dating area, items for sale area, etc....

                            • I have to have super easy, super minimal navigation - no one is going to take the time to wade through loads of redundant links , people are in a hurry frenzy online if it's not easy they jump ship

                              • yes.  

                                consider the added complexity of having at least 60% of your audience using a 2.5x3.2'' phone screen instead of a proper monitor on a laptop.

                                eyeballs are not set phone size apart for reference.  theres a reason monitors are the size they are.  so the eyes can look straight forward without having to constantly shift focus to see the thing.
                                all this makes mobile navigation a giant pain in the *** and honestly, I never use my phone.  But every few weeks I'll load my site on my phone to see what it looks like, just because.


                                • well, when you get to that point, if you're stuck we can probably help you.  it took me about a month and a half to get my jot server working, but a lot of that was due to issues with my web server not running new enough software and various security modules on the server were blocking the actual scripts that make the chat run :)

                                  • no sneaky here, everything this being does is done with integrity.
                                    just knowledge of computer stuff.  :)

                                    • yes my search engine works :)
                                      i would suggest you buy some graph paper and draw your site out on paper and use it as a roadmap for how you go about manipulating and to help guide your workflow in studio..
                                      you have a lot on your supra-conscious mind,
                                      and this added level or organization would be most helpful for you,
                                      think of it as a treasure map as you go about tweaking and adjusting,
                                      because you already have what you want to do drawn out on paper, you don't need remember it moment to moment, making the entire design process much less stressful, and problematic in general.
                                      did you know the russians designed their first space craft entirely on paper, with mathematics, without ever actually doing a test launch?  same idea here with una.  :) except you dont have to worry about accidentally having people implode, or burning off millions of $ in jet fuel. :)

                                      • you get an email when you sign up to click a link thats keyed to a hashed value that verifies your profile against the key sent to your email, when the site recieves it they match if your using the link you were sent (versus a hacker trying to get in from an intercepted email) and then the profile is verified

                                        • oh my gosh this is way above my pay grade. which is zero. lol. ok, I didn't fully understand that but I think I understand that there was some set of numbers and or letters in the verification email that allowed you to verify at some link or other, maybe the one in the email.

                                          however this brings to mind a question, how did you get an email when my emails aren't working yet?

                                          anyway I'm feeling depressed. I'm not a coder or a developer and I think this may be too hard for me i can't even get the simplest things done here.

                                          seems like there's tons of bugs and it's not set up for people like me. 

                                          organization is not my problem, road map not needed. I'm super organized. It's just making things work is all I want.....email isn't working, I can't make a linked image, the search function isn't working in the "POSTS" area just because I linked to it from the top bar? ahhhhh

                                          • well :)  i admire your moxie and effort you've been putting into this.  even if its not been working how you want it to, thats basically a pretty good introduction to the rites of passage of how it feels to try and get something running.. computers are not simple :)

                                            imagine this: you're installing a new microwave in someones house, but that microwave is supposed to keep track of what everyone in the entire house hold ate, as well as take orders for each meal they're wanting, and what kind of sides, appetizers, etc, and then its supposed to be set up to cook all the food automatically and deliver it to their rooms...

                                            thats a loose analogy, but una is about as complicated as this theorhetical microwave.

                                            you definitely jumped into something thats more complicated than you initially thought, but that doesn't mean you wont get there, but it is currently showing you holes in stuff you'd need to learn to get the results you want, in this case the microwave you're trying to install (una is the microwave here), working and taking food orders for the household.  (the household are your site users past present or future.)   :)  

                                            i know analogies are a bit irritating "just give me the straight dope! i want the answer!"  well, ha there are no straight answers unless the level of complexity in a problem has been reduced to 1-2 variables or items that may affect it..  like, it wont turn on, (well is it plugged in?)  okay then plug it in, yay!  OR - well shit, it's indeed plugged in,..  then this opens up about 5-7 different variables that are inbetween the power button and the users expectations (for the microwave to turn on), and then you have to troubleshoot the flow of logic between "i push da button and he turns on and i see the clock on the display on the microwave" and , all the ciruits and components inside the microwave that may or may not be installed improperly or configured improperly,  (in this case im referring to components of una).  

                                            you are welcome to join my site and try and just enjoy being able to use una with the goal of looking at stuff and asking how it works, if thats helpful while you're learning more.

                                            and as far as the email stuff goes, i got my email because i dont use gmail, hotmail yahoo or any of the major mail providers, i use my own..     which, means my email always works.  the major ones have a lot of hiccups in getting emails from websites that are not biggies, like facebook, or linkedin or so on,  this is a WHOLE nother world of soup though, and the peripheral words are things like, "blacklist" "whitelist" "dnsMasq" "iPerf" "sendmail" "spool"and well honestly mail is a pretty large rabbit-hole.  or more like hobbit den.


                                            • From my side, I could find the posted posts with the keywords in your site, dear Mergedia ...

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