Comment to 'Custommer or user support ...'
  • That is most definitely true. I do tech support myself and if I took this long I would be unemployed. I deal with the same thing in discussions sometimes. Especially if I post on a day where countless others are posting as well. I got a couple unanswered discussions to this day, that thankfully I figured out myself. They will get buried sadly.  What I would suggest, in case stuff goes unanswered is email or if you see them post and you do not see an answer, message them directly. The developers here are very nice and respectful. They are working on the software and clients as well as answering us here. I understand and feel the same way. If I am paying money and a product is not working or I need more information on vulnerabilities or future issues that may happen, I should have that support. Same way with the customers/technicians I help everyday. I am sure they will read your email and answer back. What I do if they answer back in message or email/or I solve it myself, I update my discussion in case someone has a question in the future. One thing that is strong here is the community so when it comes to non developer questions we are here to help one another. Hope you're able to get/got an answer to your questions/concerns.