Custommer or user support ...

Hello friends ... 

What kind of support or discussion is there in this forum? 

Obviously, I am asking something here that could be expected to be answered by the creator of the UNA software platform, or some specific module,
but to my regret, the very competent authorities are not responding here.

So I wrote a message (private message) to the SW creator of UNA or module, but no answer at all .... 

Please can anyone figure out how it works here ...? 

Is anyone interested in developing and expanding this SW, this platform?
Without decent customer support, it probably won't work very well ...  


We would like to run a web project on this SW and we would like it to be a big project once ...
But with this way of communication with SW creators and support, we are very worried about how it will work in the future
and we would not like to get into some trouble over time ...


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Replies (19)
    • Hi JPa. Where did You post Your support requests? In my expirience the UNA support does a good job and the support out of the community here in the forum as well.

      • Hi Peter. 

        almost all my posts in the discussion are actually about the fact that I assume a answer or at least a response from the creators of SW ...

        In addition, I wrote a private post to UNA ...
        these were my comments, maybe questions or ideas that are also in the discussion ...

        Unfortunately, I did not get their answer or their opinion anywhere, or .... ...


        Just a small example: 

        in the description of the ALBUMs module it is written that albums can be categorized into categories ... 

        That's why we used this module. 

        However, we found out that there are no categories ... 

        Yes, I know that there is an possibility to create categories and do it somehow at your own ...
        we also adjusted it that way ...

        But we do not consider this to be a systematical solution ... 

        And why ??? 

        Simply because later someone from UNA will find out that it is not native in the Albums and will program it as a native feature ... 

        What then happens when the ALBUMs module is upgraded ??? 

        I am especially interested if before the upgrade someone will have hundreds of albums and already somehow connected to the categories created by their own solution .. 

        Or will he never be able to upgrade anymore? 

        They should answer such things ... 

        So at least I think we users should get answers to such questions ... 

        I simply think that things should be approached more systematically, 

        • similar modules should have the same properties and characteristics ... Albums, Photos, Videos, ...

        And there are definitely more such things ... that can be improved or modified ..

        The UNA team should be happy if we give them ideas, suggestions for improvements, ....
        and they should provoke as much discussion as possible.

        I assume, however, that they want their product to be one of the best in the world :-) 


        • Hello, To answer part of your question, changes you make are only affected by updates if you directly change the UNA code and the files you changed are replaced by those from the update. In the example you quote (categories), there is a way to do it with the internal tools of UNA, see here =>

          So future updates won't change what you've done. Another example, if you need to modify CSS code, do so through the mix of the template you are using, rather than modifying the code of UNA. If you want deeper changes that you can't do with UNA's built-in tools, then it's best to ask a developer to do a custom module for you. This way you will not be affected by future updates.

          • Hello, To answer part of your question, changes you make are only affected by updates if you directly change the UNA code and the files you changed are replaced by those from the update. In the example you quote (categories), there is a way to do it with the internal tools of UNA, see here =>

            So future updates won't change what you've done. Another example, if you need to modify CSS code, do so through the mix of the template you are using, rather than modifying the code of UNA. If you want deeper changes that you can't do with UNA's built-in tools, then it's best to ask a developer to do a custom module for you. This way you will not be affected by future updates.

            Hi Baloo, 

            As I wrote, we did everything as it is described in the githube ...
            and as I thought from the description that it has been working for a long time ...
            - I am also a programmer, among other my skills ...

            But after the update, I don't know how it would behave if someone from UNA in the future will finish programming of features which are in description but are missing in reality.  ... 

            Maybe when creating a new ALBUM, there would be two places to choose a category ... 

            That's why we wanted an answer or opinion from developers .. for example ... of the ALBUMs module. 

            No, I don't need them to do anything special for me .... 

            But when someone buys something, where the properties are described, they should work ...
            and not only for me but also for others who buy it ...

            And if someone makes something with standard UNA tools, it is still useful and good to consult it beforehand ... and when the question is asked, the answer should come ... 

            I can't imagine that anyone from our company would dare not answer to our customers ...
            several times ...
            Most likely, the customer would leave us.

            And I would most likely have to fire that member of our team ... .. 



            • Baloo is correct. 

              Also if we'll add category for Albums in the future then if there is no name conflict (field is named the same as yours) your category should continue to work, you will be able to disable new category field and continue to work with your custom category field. 

              • Una support is always great.

                • Una support is always great.

                  May be  they are great to you and for you...

                  But why are not great to me and for me ??
                  Why they don't answer me ....😥 I'm their (Boonex $UNA) custommer since 2009 year, 
                  Do you think I'm to old for them ??😂

                  • Yes my experience is always great with Una team.

                    From time to time they are being very busy..

                    • The fact that Dolphin / UNA has been around for so long should give every user great confidence. And hope that their success will continue into the distant future.

                      (If you have a problem, always carefully search for the answer before bringing the issue up.)

                      • Yes my experience is always great with Una team.

                        From time to time they are being very busy..

                        but as can be seen, they unfortunately did not answer me at all or not satisfactorily ... 😉

                        • it's easy, if you're not happy find another software .. if you want something extra create your own module .. I'm not a programmer, but what I needed I always found here in discussions or maybe from LeonidS etc..I tried other software but with UNA and the support I am extremely satisfied .. it works well, it looks good

                          • it's easy, if you're not happy find another software .. if you want something extra create your own module .. I'm not a programmer, but what I needed I always found here in discussions or maybe from LeonidS etc..I tried other software but with UNA and the support I am extremely satisfied .. it works well, it looks good

                            Sir, I have nothing to say to your comment, considering that you are not a programmer and therefore you have no idea about writing software ... 

                            I put hundreds of euros into SW Dolphin and its modules = predecessor of UNA.

                            So maybe I can ask some questions about SW and maybe I have the right to expect an answer. 

                            And given my 40 years of experience in IT (programming, project management, leading SW teams, managing an IT company, .....) I assume that I can say my opinion. 

                            I have never questioned,blaimed, dispraised SW Dolphin or UNA, which is why I bought several licenses ... But that doesn't mean it can't be improved, enhanced or refined .... 

                            Realize that the more experience a person has, the greater are his expectations, ideas ...
                            and also knows more to advise, help, .....

                            After all, we all want the UNA Platform software to develop, acquired new features ...

                            I love DOLPHIN & UNA that's why I want him to get better and better ... 

                            I believe that one day it will be understood .... 

                            • You are not the only one who paid for Dolphin or UNA licenses .. 40 years of experience and you can't advise yourself? that's weird. Everyone has different requirements and to be grateful to everyone and as soon as they write something is not possible even from a human point of view .. yes i want more UNA improvements too, but I'm very happy to wait

                              • You are not the only one who paid for Dolphin or UNA licenses .. 40 years of experience and you can't advise yourself? that's weird. Everyone has different requirements and to be grateful to everyone and as soon as they write something is not possible even from a human point of view .. yes i want more UNA improvements too, but I'm very happy to wait

                                Sir, it is one thing to do things myself, which I can certainly solve myself, but it is better to solve certain things systemically ...
                                For example, so that other UNA users can enjoy the given modifications

                                I don't want things to be resolved immediately and now, .... 

                                But you probably deserve an answer, especially when you have been waiting for it for several months ...
                                An answer would be enough,
                                = YES we will deal with it,
                                = NO we will not solve it ...
                                = or start a discussion on a given topic ...

                                • maybe it's how you complain here and in each post you say what 40 years of experience you have .. for example they always answered me any question and helped me with anything .. I don't know it's just my opinion

                                  • maybe it's how you complain here and in each post you say what 40 years of experience you have .. for example they always answered me any question and helped me with anything .. I don't know it's just my opinion

                                    Sir, so please read all my posts,
                                    I never complained, I just asked politely and I was really just waiting for an answer as I wrote a moment ago ...
                                    Only in this post on the topic of support am I a little more irritated

                                    Believe me, it is better to deal with things (changes improvements) systematically than to make individual adjustments, changes ....
                                    The more individual adjustments, the bigger the problems in the future ...
                                    And I'm not even talking about possible or rather impossible updates of UNA or modules ...
                                    I wrote my experiences only a total of 2 times and only because I am really not used to that no one answers ...

                                    We, like any other web hosting company, are used to responding as soon as possible ...

                                    We also receive answers from all our SW and HW suppliers almost immediately, or at least in real time ... 

                                    If we responded to our customers after more than 2 months, I don't even want to imagine what would happen to us ... 

                                    So I'm sorry if I accidentally touched someone here ... !!!

                                    • That is most definitely true. I do tech support myself and if I took this long I would be unemployed. I deal with the same thing in discussions sometimes. Especially if I post on a day where countless others are posting as well. I got a couple unanswered discussions to this day, that thankfully I figured out myself. They will get buried sadly.  What I would suggest, in case stuff goes unanswered is email or if you see them post and you do not see an answer, message them directly. The developers here are very nice and respectful. They are working on the software and clients as well as answering us here. I understand and feel the same way. If I am paying money and a product is not working or I need more information on vulnerabilities or future issues that may happen, I should have that support. Same way with the customers/technicians I help everyday. I am sure they will read your email and answer back. What I do if they answer back in message or email/or I solve it myself, I update my discussion in case someone has a question in the future. One thing that is strong here is the community so when it comes to non developer questions we are here to help one another. Hope you're able to get/got an answer to your questions/concerns.  

                                      • Agree: Support can not be only generated by a community of members ( which on some occasion pass judgment rather than helping) ... Support and communication can not be random: So what is to expect if someone were to join UNA ?

                                        How many are we here ? 

                                        Who is who ?

                                        Where should we ask for support ? and when to expect a reply ?

                                        • Alex T did respond to you and he is part of UNA.  But I'm not sure that he is identified just from his message.  Support is a hit or miss thing with UNA even when you are paying a monthly retainer.    If you can get Alex T or one of the others involved, you will likely get a resolution.  Baloo who also responded to you is not part of UNA, but is very knowledgible (SP?) and helpful.  He's definitely one of the good guys around here.   UNA has a lot to offer, but my biggest problem with it is that many aspects are carried over from older software and have not been updated to a current look and feel. (i.e. groups, profiles, uploading images, navigation)  That's the biggest thing holding this platform back and unfortunately there seem to be no plans to address that.  I think their the niche is very small communities with a limited number of members and very forgiving members.   That's too bad.  

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