Comment to 'Can't install Classes App'
  • Hello @Indie Sellers Guild !

    The attached error means that the removal of the Class app hasn't been completed properly. Could you please specify if you changed smth in your UNA site's SQL files?

    • Oh interesting. Nope, definitely haven't modified any SQL files. Everything I've done to the site has been with the options available in Studio - and I have a test installation that I try everything on first before trying it on the real site because I'm afraid I'll do something dumb and break it! I have developer installed but I just use it to put blocks to "copy" so I can use them on other pages.

      We can wait to troubleshoot Classes. I think we might use it for our next event, but that will be 6 months from now or more. I figured out a way for our current event to keep things super simple, and just use the modules we already have (timeline and discussions). I LOVE how easy it is to customize UNA, once you figure it out!

      BUT... I have a much worse problem, and I wonder if it is related? I believe it happened either right before or right after I tried to install classes and the installation failed. Basically, members of a group or attendees of an event are no longer associated with the event. I first noticed that the "going" page on an event said "empty":


      The "going" list in the block that's on the main event page still worked fine (and we're going to have at least 150 people attending the event, so the small view is preferable) so I just removed the "going" page. BUT then I noticed other issues. No members in groups. And it's impossible to post to context to a group or event without a post to context block. The group or event can't be chosen from the "visibility" menu, even if you are a part of it.

      AND - remember the issue with Ads (#4670) where they do not post to context even from a context block? That means my workaround for that issue (telling people to use visibility field) no longer works, because the event will not show up in the Ad's visibility field, even if someone is attending!

      Any idea what would cause this, and could it be related? Should I create another topic about it?

      • Yup, there's definitely something still wrong. I put the "classes" app to inactive, I then deleted it, and then I even deleted it from the "downloaded apps" menu. But I'm still getting a database error email every once in a while.

        SELECT * FROM `bx_classes_classes` INNER JOIN `bx_classes_meta_keywords` ON `bx_classes_meta_keywords`.`object_id`=`bx_classes_classes`.`id`WHERE 1 AND `bx_classes_classes`.`status` ='active' AND `bx_classes_classes`.`status_admin` ='active' AND `bx_classes_meta_keywords`.`keyword` ='Verified Sellers' LIMIT 0, 4
        Mysql error:
        Table 'indiesel_una566.bx_classes_classes' doesn't exist