Comment to 'Dolphin to UNA'
Comment to Dolphin to UNA
  • Ok, so...

    I changed PHP back to 5.x and tried to update Dolphin but I got this error:


    BoonEx Dolphin Upgrade Script


    What I think is that probably my last Dolphin version was not 7.3.4 but an earlier one. I was not able to verify which version Dolphin was, as I had upgraded PHP to 7.x and Dolphin was already not working. Things were not easy to change PHP version back to 5.x as I was using an older Apache version without access to MultiPHP INI Editor. Now I have upgraded that too using EasyApache4 and I am back to PHP 5.x

    How can I know my last version in order to apply the correct script?

    And even if I I find out, can I do it now that I have overwritten files with ftp following the update procedure for 7.3.5 ? In other words, what if my last Dolphin version was 7.3.3 and I have overwritten its files with those of version 7.3.5? Does every new version update the same files? If yes, I will be able to overwrite my files with e.g. 7.3.4 and test, unless not all updates, update the same files!

    Any ideas?


    7.3.4-7.3.5Update can not be applied