Comment to 'New install - can't access pages'
  • So what the hell are the rules that should be there?  Why do you not post this info or put it into the installation guide??

    It appears that the installer doesn't install any rules in the .htaccess file if it doesn't know that the system supports rewrites.  I have Centos6, rewrites enabled, but the dashboard shows Web server - undefined, and the audit showed that rewrites is also undefined.  There's no way to tell the installer what system I'm running and if rewrites is indeed installed in this case because I manually verified it.

    Unchecking permalinks in settings doesn't change a thing, and it still requests the same URLs.  I've had to search around this site for whatever is supposed to be in the .htaccess file just so I can get the other pages to work, and luckily some other user posted them.  Your installer should *ALWAYS* write those rules to a .htaccess file no matter what if in the end, it's supposed to be there anyway.

    I've already seen numerous posts about this same issue, and the underlying reason is NOT because their AllowOverride is set to All.  (My apache config has it set to All.)  It's because the installer isn't even writing the rules into the .htaccess file.

    Installed UNA 10.0.0.B1 (where is version 9 if this is a beta? There's no link to it though the site says to download version 9, only a link to the 10 Beta.). It's incredibly hard to find any answers here so I'm finding this whole project to be disappointing.