Comment to 'Ads - Deletion & categories not cleaned'
  • Hi, i think the Ads mod is buggy and i mentioned it to UNA a while back when they introduced it.

    • Hi, i think the Ads mod is buggy and i mentioned it to UNA a while back when they introduced it.

      Please don't make such statement without facts, if you make such statement, please have dignity and provide proves to your statements, with clear descriptions of the bugs.

      It's first release of the new module and it could be some problems, you can help by describe bugs in the details, but with such statements you don't help to fix bugs, instead you are discourage us to make any improvements and create negative attitude to the whole UNA team.

      • Hi, i think the Ads mod is buggy and i mentioned it to UNA a while back when they introduced it.

        Please don't make such statement without facts, if you make such statement, please have dignity and provide proves to your statements, with clear descriptions of the bugs.

        It's first release of the new module and it could be some problems, you can help by describe bugs in the details, but with such statements you don't help to fix bugs, instead you are discourage us to make any improvements and create negative attitude to the whole UNA team.

        First of all, you should be the last person to tell me what not to say, cause you hide from the truth. If you were to pay more attention i did have a one on one chat with LeonidS regarding how enabling the Ads mod screws up the entire add content functionality, according to him  there is a ticket for it already! Please don't piss me off!! I did not make a thread about it cause again i did not want to discourage anybody here. You should pay more attention on the fact that UNA has several individuals helping newbies here and we don't get paid, we do it to help UNA. Instead of being a child and inconsiderate like you are Alex T⚜️ be more grateful that UNA has several picking up UNAs slack on helping those here that get pissed off cause their questions have been unanswered.