Comment to 'Please add a Subject (topic) line to Conversations'
  • To add 'subject' field to Convos:

    1. Add new subject field in Studio > Forms > Fields > Select module: Convos > Select display: New Convo > then add text field

    2. Check in database the name of added field, let's assume that it's named 'subject'

    3. Edit 'modules/boonex/convos/classes/BxCnvConfig.php' file, near ~37 line:

    'FIELD_TITLE' => 'subject',

    4. Run the following query:

    UPDATE `sys_objects_grid` SET `source` = 'SELECT `c`.*, `f`.`read_comments`, `last_reply_timestamp`, `last_reply_profile_id`, `cmt`.`cmt_text` FROM `bx_convos_conversations` AS `c` INNER JOIN `bx_convos_conv2folder` AS `f` ON (`c`.`id` = `f`.`conv_id` AND `f`.`folder_id` = {folder_id} AND `f`.`collaborator` = {profile_id}) LEFT JOIN `bx_convos_cmts` AS `cmt` ON (`cmt`.`cmt_id` = `c`.`last_reply_comment_id`)' WHERE `object` = 'bx_convos' LIMIT 1 ;

    5. Edit 'modules/boonex/convos/classes/BxCnvTemplate.php' file in two places, near ~223 & ~186 line:

    $sText = strmaxtextlen($r['subject'], 100);