Comment to 'Jot Security'
Comment to Jot Security
  • Hello @Wise ,

    Yes, the secret exists in the version that was uploaded to the Jot Server files on Git, but it hasn't been released yet. It's the very bottom option from your screen. I will try to release it during this week.

    The two upper options, JWT token API ID and JWT token App secret, are related to the Jitsi integration and can be enabled when JWT is installed for Jitsi.

    • Thank you @Alexey

      So, if I go ahead an install jitsu server, I can lock it down using the first two fields? I had asked questions about jitsi but got no answers. If I enable both, then only my site will be able to communicate with jitsi? Not allowing creation of rooms without authentication?

      • Hello @Wise ,

        If you enable both Jitsi options and install Jitsi with JWT, then only users from your site will be able to create and join rooms on your Jitsi instance. The Jot Messenger JWT option allows users to connect to Jot Messenger using a JWT token.