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I need a clear explanation of how pruning works in UNA. It seems that it is not considering long term use.

Files pruning:

  • 153 total
  • 101 deleted

Database pruning:

  • 0 deleted expired membership levels
  • 12926 deleted expired sessions
  • 27362 deleted expired keys
  • 31785 deleted expired storage tokens
  • 1 deleted outdated transcoded images
  • 0 deleted/suspended accounts
  • 0 deleted view tracks
  • 0 deleted vote tracks
  • 0 deleted score tracks
  • 0 deleted favorite tracks
  • 0 deleted report tracks

As I have been doing a lot of database work of late, I realized that most things have a pruning field with a number. Is this the longevity of a vote/score? Because I do not want votes to disappear if the member is still in the database? So what is the view tracks, vote tracks, score tracks, favorite tracks, and report tracks? Will these expire someday and just be removed??? Regardless if the member is still on the site?

And what files were deleted???? 101 files? Where? For what? I'm a bit concerned. If a site grows to consume multiple servers and hundred thousands of users, re-transcoding files would be a server shut down event. How does UNA calculate these files to delete? And from where??

UNA staff, please explain clearly how pruning works for each result above. This is a big deal. Thank you.

  • 1455
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Hello UNA,

I am trying to add a column from the database to my modules unit_gallery boxes.

It has __title__ already, and I want to add __sign__ in front of it.

I figured how to add and override meta menu, but can't quite track the where you parse the __title__ at.

If you just send me where to look, I'd be grateful. Thank you!

  • 1617
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Can anyone tell me how to enable this?

In Navigation, videos, view actions, I have the like disabled, and vote up vote down enabled. Yet it doesn't show.

I tried with other modules too.

How to enable it? Thank you

  • 1487
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Ok. This seems really crazy. I can not give my admin account credits?

If I try to manually create an order, it says error self order.

How to add credits manually to my admin account?

  • 453
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I have the dynamic Add Content block in my Groups. However, add Event is not shown. It is in the Add Content navigation menu, it just does not show up in the dynamic add content block (Create Post - Context).

Any ideas? I have been trying to backtrack code, but can't seem to understand how these checks work, where they are at in DB.

Thank you.

  • 720
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@LeonidS my friend, I am hoping you may know the answer to this.

Is there anyway I can restrict Visibility.

Example. Say I do not want Polls to have Group visibility, so when adding a new poll under Visibility, my groups do not show up.

Is there a way in studio? Database? Custom class overrides?

How can I accomplish this?

Thank you UNA!

  • 850
  • 1
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Can someone please tell me what this should be? Thank you

  • 883
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I thought this update brought the ability to unlike something once you liked it?

Am I missing something?

  • 959
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I have force update checked in settings. I click update and it says too many changes, can't update.

How to force the update?

  • 868
Wise Discussions
Developer Question: override for title
Enable vote up / vote down
Credits to Admin
Add Event to Group Dynamic Add Content
Developer Question: Visibility