Comment to 'Jot Security'
Comment to Jot Security
  • Any idea when a new release of jot server will be done? I would like to use jwt to secure my installation. This does not work in last release of 2018.

    @Alexey how to scale jot-server? If a site grows to large numbers, one server can't possibly accommodate that - so how to scale?

    Also, asking again... Under domains, if I put my site IP for my domain, it doesn't work. The word domains is very misguiding here. You have put local host addresses as examples. If my site uses as IP, if I put that in the list, it stops connecting. How exactly does this work?

    • Hello!

      Regarding the update: It will be finished next week. Thank you for your patience!

      Regarding scaling Jot-server: By default, it can handle several thousand connections and work with multiple domains without any issues. We have never had problems with it overloading before.

      About domains: You should use the IPs of the sites from which users are allowed to connect to the Jot-server. The GitHub version is not finished yet, but domains should work fine for the current version 1.0.3. I will prepare it next week, and it will work as expected for the latest version 1.0.4 as well.