Comment to 'Jot Security'
Comment to Jot Security
  • @Alexey I mean in code, I don't want to disable them, just remove the talk snippet that goes with the push notification. One signal stores all messages. It is a huge privacy issue.

    • Hello!

      I suppose you may use silent_mode option to prevent sending push notifications.

      1) In file modules/boonex/classes/BxMessngerModule.php find the method:

      public function sendNotifications($iLotId, $iJotId, $aOnlineUsers = [], $aRecipients = [], $sType = BX_MSG_NTFS_MESSAGE)

      and replace code:

      bx_alert($sModule, !$bIsMention ? 'got_jot_ntfs' : 'got_mention_ntfs', $iLotId, $this->_iProfileId, array(
          'object_author_id' => $iPart,
          'recipient_id' => $iPart,
          'subobject_id' => $iJotId

      with this code:

      bx_alert($sModule, !$bIsMention ? 'got_jot_ntfs' : 'got_mention_ntfs', $iLotId, $this->_iProfileId, array(
          'object_author_id' => $iPart,
          'recipient_id' => $iPart,
          'subobject_id' => $iJotId,
          'silent_mode' => BX_NTFS_SLTMODE_SITE_PUSH