Comment to 'Feature Images'
Comment to Feature Images
  • That might help with to set up the content of a Space, but the cultural and social aspects of featuring albums and I assume images are lost.  I can't feature an album created by a user and assigned to a Space, group or org.  It can't be featured on the home page or the within the space (group or org) it is assigned to - created for.   

    I can create an HTML block add an image with a link to the album.  That is a lot of work, requires knowledge of HTML (to some extent), training on the backend, is subject to input error, and the list goes on. Certainly not a method for a user without access to the backend.  Issues there.

    Favorites by author doesn't work - displays code for authors name.

    Just viewing an album assigned to a space is likely to take a user away from that space and then they have navigate their way back.  Every millisecond of load time loses you 1% of revenue.  So, what is lost when a user ends up frustrated - lost in navigation.  More likely to happen to first time users - lose them.  

    So, how much to have a featured images showcase block that will work for an album posted in a space.