Comment to 'Facebook import'
Comment to Facebook import
  • I don't think it's a good idea because for one, it's not facebook. It's your own community. If you don't have the same friends existing on your network as on Facebook, then what does it matter to have those posts, or likes, pictures or anything else that resides on your Facebook page? I think it's better to start fresh considering you have to have your friends on your new site. The outcome will be broken up conversations with people that don't exists, likes on people that don't exists and a lot of one sided conversation. Everything you do on Facebook pertained to who you know or knew on Facebook and what was occurring on Facebook.

    • I understand what you mean, but it's just data we want. e.g. someone has 10 years of Photos events and stuff on FB or twitter or so... we can aggregate all at one place and then maybe user will never go to those sites, if they like what it here. It could be visible to only the owner for the moment and then they can make some of it available to public as Andrew mentioned below.