Comment to 'Jot Messenger'
Comment to Jot Messenger
  • Hello Will,
    I have noticed that you have red bell in the left bottom corner. It looks like you have your own settings and configuration for push notifications. May be you have added additionally to already existed push notification initialization code your own code the same as Una has by default, If so it may break javascript code on pages. Check please may be you have some JavaScript errors in browser console.

    • Hello Will,
      I have noticed that you have red bell in the left bottom corner. It looks like you have your own settings and configuration for push notifications. May be you have added additionally to already existed push notification initialization code your own code the same as Una has by default, If so it may break javascript code on pages. Check please may be you have some JavaScript errors in browser console.

      Alexey the problem still existed before i configured OneSignal.

      • You need to check injections section may be you have added OneSignal code manually. I suggest to remove it and to add options to the original One Signal integration if you need a bell. UNA and your own code may conflict.

        • I believe i ran into the same problem using oneSignal. Apparently it cannot start workers on the page.? Onesignal also allows you to add twilio when setting up an app. Not sure if this has caused conflicts with having twilio integrated in una settings and causing twilio to try to load twice.