Comment to 'Profile Page URL'
Comment to Profile Page URL
  • Hi @Sensasi.Net. Okay here is the step by step:

    1. Go into Studio -> Settings -> Permalinks and confirm all are Enabled, especially Enable SEO links**
    2. Go into your phpMyAdmin in your Cpanel and select your database. (To find your database see this file: /inc/
    3. Click on SQL (tab) to run SQL query. Here is the code ->

    image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1728&dpx=2&t=1703866271Lastly, click GO, and it should work.

    • I've got it from @Alex T⚜️ . The following is the code used by UNA.

      INSERT INTO `sys_seo_uri_rewrites` (`id`, `uri_orig`, `uri_rewrite`) VALUES
      (1, 'view-group-profile', 'g'),
      (2, 'view-persons-profile', 'u'),
      (3, 'view-organization-profile', 'o'),
      (4, 'item', 'i'),
      (5, 'view-post', 'p'),
      (6, 'view-discussion', 'd'),
      (7, 'view-event-profile', 'e'),
      (9, 'view-project-profile', 'project');