Comment to 'Could you update TinyMCE?'
  • Hello Omar Amer !

    Sorry for the possible lacunas in our documentations, to fill it is an endless process. But we have also the autogenerated documentation . The details about editors integration you may see here . By this part the TinyMCE integration depends from the following parts:

    1) the record for the editor object:

    INSERT INTO `sys_objects_editor` (`object`, `title`, `skin`, `override_class_name`, `override_class_file`) VALUES

    ('sys_tinymce', 'TinyMCE', 'lightgray', 'BxTemplEditorTinyMCE', '');

    2) the main class of the integration template/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php (BxTemplEditorTinyMCE is the child of this file).

    3) every editor integration should have the own method attachEditor where is defined the configuration of the editor.

    So you may start the new integration from the scratch with the new editor object via the mentioned parts.