Comment to 'Error Page - Access Denied '
  • Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your reply, tried that but it did not work. 

    The Polygot Error messages appear to be loading on their own pages.

    Can anyone let me know how to edit the page displaying Polygot error messages? 

    • Hello InPage !

      There is no special page for this error message - it is pasted to every case separately. So you may customize it only with placing HTML code in this key directly change color, font etc) only.

      • Hi Leonid, 

        Thank you for the reply, I am looking for a solution to 2 problems with this:

        1. I have Ad Code that is appearing on the "Error Pages" that essentially have no content. I would like to prevent Ads from displaying on these pages.
        2. The Current Error pages act like a "Stop" sign, offering no path forward to other content or parts of the site. I would like to give the user options to choose a path forward. 

        Is there any way for me to Edit the "Error" pages at a source level?