Comment to 'Content privacy'
Comment to Content privacy
  • Thanx for the answer :)

    1. Old solution isn't ideal, many people find it difficult to use, this is the reason we simplified it and will gradually improve without and we'll try to not add complications. Also we have Favourites and Followers, maybe it can be useful for you.

    many people find it difficult to use... It;s 1Bln people who use it in FB, You can't ignore that it's kind of standard in social networking:)

    we'll try to not add complications... IMHO Account/Persons staff - it's the definition of complication:)) let's say, thta people who find difficult to create privet list would driven crazy with "why I need to put name once again? I've already open my account?"

    My point is - make us possibility to choose, please. As Admin I promise to take all blame of difficulty on me:)))


    4. I don't see anything wrong here it works as it should:

    Closed group/event - anyone can find the group and see who's in it, only members can see posts

    only members can see posts... - In my site (test one) everybody in timeline can see The Public post in Close Group and it's pics. Only members can get into post and comment. I've opened here the Closed group. Look in Feed...