Comment to 'Integrations Hell'
  • Denmark is an example of such a government controlled network and it sucks. What I want (and what the Cambodian govt has agreed to), is a network, which is a service to the govt and to the people, but stays within the country borders. It is the bridge between the people and the govt which makes it possible for the two to work together.
    But I think we think in the same page, you and I. I was approached by Denmark, Germany and France to use their concepts and I rejected them. Countries like Cambodia are easy, because they are building up after social disasters. It leaves room for new approaches and ideas. Simplicity and mutual communication is the key.
    I made a rough draft in Wordpress some time ago.
    The Education section gives basic physics, chemistry, biology, etc. It can be expanded as needed
    The Police section is primarily about letting the people know what the police can do and what they cannot do. This is an attempt to limit corruption.
    In addition people can report crimes. See most wanted, etc. (Later I will add "Vigilant people project" which is a network where people help fighting organized crime.)
    The Business Index also have peoples reviews of each business. This is also to limit corruption.
    The govt section will have polls, where people can like/dislike a suggestion, so that nothing is passed without people have had the opportunity to express their opinion about it. Otherwise it will offer downloads of forms and documents ad general news of changes and how the govt is structured and who is who.
    The Social Network itself, is more or less just entertainment. But now you should have a feeling of where I am headed.
    My project is a bridge between the people and the govt, but supported and supervised by the govt. 

    • Pethol - this sound like a fascinating project. I see vast potential in merging social communities with purposeful activities - particularly eductation, but there could be many others, such as project management, and as you suggest, accessing Govt services.
      This is where we see UNA going in the next 12 months. Using education as an example - imagine Moodle meets Facebook - in a developing country like Cambodia, the school curriculum, or parts of it, could be published and accessed via the social network, we, so if I was a HS student, I could join the Year 9 Group and the activity from my school curriculum, would come into my social feed, along with all the regular social stuff - promoting  participation, interaction & conversation. I could then seamlessly then jump into this area, talk to fellow students, submit assignments, complete quizzes, check results etc...
      This is just a rough sketch of the idea, but we hope to focus our attention on creating something like this in 2019.

      • This is very interesting. And I am so lucky that I can apply the concepts so we can see how govt and the people react to it.
        We have a little war going on in Cambodia, between the Govt and a 'rebel' faction(CNRP). We just found out that the rebel faction has people working in FaceBook and they are disabling targeted profiles. I was deleted from FB just an hour ago. This is one of the reasons a closed national network is important. It minimizes cyber terrorism.

        The story of Cambodia is complicated and there is a lot of propaganda bullshit out. What I discovered was that organized crime wanted political control of Cambodia and still does a great effort to do so. So they make big waves in the international waters. Lately several depots of weapons and explosives has been uncovered. The 'rebels' are arming up for civil war.
        What I hope, is that this network bridge, will be part of the solution to stabilize Cambodia and avoid another civil war.
        At the end - maybe - UNA is what caused world peace...

        • Thanks Mark, for the link to the server load thing. I'll read it tonight. :)