Comment to 'Adding log in button to the splash page'
  • Wow, that was quick. I just posted this. Lol...  Thanks LeonidS 

    They aligned side by side as I wanted but the login button brings me to the join form. Now they both bring me to the join.

     Below is what I have now.

    <strong><a href="{0}" class="bx-form-input-submit bx-btn bx-btn-primary ">Log in Here</a></strong> &nbsp; &nbsp;<button class="bx-btn bx-hide-when-logged-in bx-def-margin-top" onclick="document.location='{0}'">Join Now !</button>

    • You may set there the direct link like [site_url]page/create-account

      • That worked very well. I used it for both the login and join buttons.  You can see on the homepage cover it worked great.

        But I'm having a problem with the splash page. I added the same code as I did on the cover but I can't seen to get the spacing between the two buttons and they won't center on the page. Might you have any suggestions?

        This is the code that I used on the splash page.

        <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="/page/login" class="bx-form-input-submit bx-btn bx-btn-primary "><strong>Log in Here</strong></a><a href="/page/create-account" class="bx-form-input-submit bx-btn bx-btn-primary "><strong>JOIN NOW !</strong></a>