Comment to 'Password encryption on UNA '
  • Reposting as I see the message text was out of view boundary (which could be another bug).

    Thank you Alex, Well I tried to create the user using below query when users are signing up from other website and insert the records in UNA sys accounts table. When they sign up on other website, the same record is updated in UNA table(s), so I can use it to verify their login, when they login to UNA in future. 

    $query = "insert into sys_accounts (name, email, password, salt) 
    values ('$full_name', '$email', SHA1(CONCAT(MD5('$password'), '$salt')), '$salt')";
    After executing this query, record gets updated in sys_accounts table successfully.
    But when I try to verify the login on UNA website, it fails. Reason could be that
    I didn't update all required values like added, logged, profile_id etc in sys_accounts and some other values
    in other tables (which I don't know).
    So I'd like to know, to which function I should pass these four values in UNA, so it updates all required tables and
    default values, which I'm not passing while creating new registration?
    Or what values should be updated in which tables to create a new registered user, so we can verify them using
    default UNA login functionality.