Comment to 'To recreate a peaceful Una environment'
  • I love this post, and completely agree (of course).
    Life is short and I never understood people who chose to spend their time making a sour environment. I have no clue how many hours the devs hade spent making UNA, but I know for sure that we`re talking thousands of hours.
    To those complaining:
    Does anyone actually think that they`ve invested so many hours and suffered through immense amounts of headache (all projects comes with a massive amount of headache) into a project without having a genuine wish to make it the best system possible?
    I know for a fact that they are working theis asses off to service all of us in the best way possible, and they deserve a community who recognizes their massive investments, trouble solving skills and continous efforts to further develop this great system!
    Devs: I salute you!