Leonid, our famous fixer, leaped into action on my behalf. I'll be working with him to ascertain why UNA requires more than 4 characters for a password AFTER you have entered one longer than 4 characters. This occurs when you are MANUALLY adding a new user via the Accounts app.
Also, what (if anything) needs to be changed in the app settings to keep legitimate users from getting a "spammer" message as they attempt to set up an account? I'd say the language keys can be changed in order to soften this blow...
When I completely disabled the Anti-spam app, I was flooded with fake address and fake accounts. Before I proceed, I would like to inquire as to the motivation of these fake account makers. Who, by the way, never post any messages.
What is to be gained??? Are these SEO people looking to post later in order to get "link popularity"? Is someone creating these accounts in order to sell them to others? Somebody working for a future denial or service attack? That makes no sense when a site is very small...
So, the Anti-Spam module is definitely doing its job! Otherwise, site owners would have to employ a full time worker just to remove the fake accounts.
I checked my site logs and noticed thousands of Wordpress url requests, too. Oh darn...
On separate but related subjects, the number of VIEWS for a particular post on your UNA site is likely more than 90% off. Probably higher. The vast majority of the "viewers" are spambots, imho.
And if you are paying for third party storage, your bill is greatly increased as spammers download these particular pages with the files (in search of a JOIN button, I guess). This file download occurs regardless of whether they join and manually "download" your files to their hard drive as separate files.
Any ideas on any of these issues? Obviously, if a would-be sign-on gets a "spam detected message" and the administrator cannot sign them on manually from the Accounts app, THERE IS A BIG PROBLEM. So far, I have reproduced it on two sites. Both could be misconfigured, no doubt. But where?