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Jitsi has been discussed here for about 5 years. Most questions on the subject were answered but many were not. Yes, we know that Jitsi has changed their usage terms over this timeframe. And like every other internet thing, it becomes a moving target.

Needless to say, today's social site users expect easy to navigate, seamless video of all kinds. If they don't find it, they will keep moving on to sites which do.

Users, however, have no idea how complicated coding is for internet video, audio, and streaming... For example, the video engine here on UNA is based on FFmpeg - which has dozens of pages of just settings. The documentation would fill a large book.

Anyway, it appears that UNA did the heavy lifting and successfully integrated Jitsi into their Messenger app. At present, it connects for video calls which are subject to a five minute limit. A link is provided to "Jitsi As a Service" or JAAS and there is an offer for a free "starter package". The free service is limited to a small group of users, of course. Which is much, much better than nothing.

So for self-hosters, the question is: How do the Jitsi required settings correspond or interface with those in the Messenger settings? I cannot get them to work. Jitsi states that: "All you need to do is to copy the integration code snippet and paste it into your app or website." 

I realize that for the full video services a dedicated server with ample resources is needed. So, I guess the free service is the iFrame variety. But how? And why does it seem so complicated?

  • 2861
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Hello dear Unitarians. Several times a year, the Messenger app fails. Connections do not connect. Usually a server restart fixes this issue. Yesterday, it did not. Leading me to ask: Does the Jotserver itself need to be restarted in addition to the server restart?

I checked the certificate. It looked OK. Any ideas why jotserver fails about every 3 months? We're hosted by TMD, by the way.

In the php error log, I see but cannot interpret: .... modules/boonex/messenger/classes/BxMessengerTemplate.php on line 1591[10-Dec-2024 15:02:20 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1.1333333333333333 to int loses precision in 

This error appears more like a visual template issue than one relating to connectability.

  • 741
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Hello all you UNAtarians. I receive warnings every few weeks from bug bounty hunters. They tell me that the phpinfo . php page makes the site vulnerable to exploitation.

Is this true? Should this page be hidden?

  • 660
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Could you consider making these url's more search engine friendly? Based upon the title of the article? Instead of ____/view-article/1vbtcdv



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Would like to see a single button to clear all the notifications. Thousands of notifications leave the user feeling overwhelmed.

  • 2403
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Unable to create new account from Studio. The password has far more than 4 characters. Count the little balls in the password field.

I attempted this process on two fully updated UNA sites. Both failed.

So.... Why would an administrator want to manually add a member? Because many confirmation emails get unknowingly sent to a spam mailbox. And ALSO in other cases, the UNA anti-spam mechanism tells the would be sign up that it has "detected spam".


  • 824
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"See more..." is a good idea, especially on long posts or long pages. But... no one want to click "see more" just to read one or two more words in a post.

Could one of the clever UNA programmers change this so that if there are only a few more words in a post - they will be displayed without an extra click or tap.

Yes, I know the line has to be drawn somewhere. It's just a suggestion.

  • 915
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Hi Friends.

Specifically, what drives those who never post or advertise or contact others on a UNA platform? Are they setting themselves up for a DOS attack later? Why do they go to all the trouble to sign up with many multiple accounts?

One sign that you are dealing with fake people are addresses like these below, from free mail services.

Be careful and check your Accounts page regularly for irregularities.

  • 857
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Does anybody really need to post NEW TOPICS on this site over and over again in a single day? I think not.

UNA could use a new setting which limits a new user's ability to begin (create) new posts within a specified time period. Especially in the Discussions area. Or even site-wide, too.

If a new user, with spamming on their mind, could only post (not reply) once in a day, they would not return again because the admins would have had time to delete their accounts.

  • 877
banister Discussions
Jitsi, where are you?
JotServer restarts
Is this normal exposure?
Articles module url's
mass deletion for all notifications
Create new account from Studio?