Comment to 'Okay, so I can't mak...'
  • Pethol plugging in Wordpress to UNA might sound like a simple answer to your problems - but I suggest that using iFrames is probably going to introduce a new level of complication to your development. Better to spend the time getting UNA to do what you really need it to rather than taking a shortcut now. We are happy to support you as required.

    • Thank you Mark. It's not that there is anything wrong with UNA and she will be staying as my main woman. My 'problem' is the lack of accessories.

      If UNA was a woman, she would be bitching you guys every single day, for not having enough accessories to wear. :-) She's certainly bitching me!
      But yes. Iframes has their problems and they are not a permanent solution. But for demonstration use - they will work fine and I need that most of all right now.
      Now after yesterday's announcement from the PM, I'm even harder pressed for time than before.
      Also I don't spend all my time on this project. I have other jobs as well, I need to take care of. Working for a government like this is not a laid back job.

      • Hi mark I sent a message earlier about Iframe, but I like your suggestion, and would rather use UNA, there is a caveat though as Pethol said there are a plethora of pluggins and features in wordpress which are well documented, whereas UNA is a long process of trial and error, especially for the new developer who is just learning the framework, I see that the documentation is getting better however my needs are quite urgent. Please provide steps of how to do so, If I were to provide access to my other webapp which I would like to house within the UNA echo system as an embedded site, and give members to my site access to the webapp right from within my UNA homepage. I haven't found any documentation to show me how to do so, so your professional help and advice would be highly appreciated.