The code for this button is in mobile app App.js file:
<Button vertical onPress={this.onMessengerMenu.bind(this)} badge={this.state.data.bubbles['notifications-messenger'] > 0 ? true : false}> {this.state.data.bubbles['notifications-messenger'] > 0 && (<Badge><Text>{this.state.data.bubbles['notifications-messenger']}</Text></Badge>) } <Icon name="comments" type="FontAwesome5" solid /> </Button>
To change it to your own you can replace it with this:
<Button vertical onPress={() => this.injectJavaScript(`window.location = '${BASE_URL}page/privacy';`)}> <Icon name="car" type="FontAwesome5" solid /> </Button>
Just change, page/privacy URL and car icon to your own, icon name can be any icon from FontAwesome5 set:
Thank you so much Alex T⚜️