Comment to 'How to make Rocket Loader work with Lucide'
  • You can have Rocket Loader ignore individual scripts by adding the data-cfasync="false" attribute to the relevant script tag, for example:
    <script data-cfasync="false" src="/javascript.js"></script>
    Rocket Loader will still optimise the loading of all other scripts on the page.


    1. Adding this attribute within JavaScript will not work if you wish to exclude the script from Rocket Loader.
    2. If the script you want Rocket Loader to ignore has dependency on other JavaScript(s) on the page, those depedencies must also have the data-cfasync="false" attribute added.
    3. The 'data-cfasync' attribute must be added before the 'src' attribute. 
    4. Rocket Loader will recognise the tag when either single or double quotes are placed around the attribute value. 
    • You can have Rocket Loader ignore individual scripts by adding the data-cfasync="false" attribute to the relevant script tag, for example:
      Rocket Loader will still optimise the loading of all other scripts on the page.


      1. Adding this attribute within JavaScript will not work if you wish to exclude the script from Rocket Loader.
      2. If the script you want Rocket Loader to ignore has dependency on other JavaScript(s) on the page, those depedencies must also have the data-cfasync="false" attribute added.
      3. The 'data-cfasync' attribute must be added before the 'src' attribute. 
      4. Rocket Loader will recognise the tag when either single or double quotes are placed around the attribute value. 

      I think it's possible to do it without modifications in core files

      - insert needed scripts in Studio > Designer > Injections > Head with data-cfasync="false" tags specified

      - deactivate scripts which were added using injections above in `sys_preloader` by setting `active` field to 0