Comment to 'Clarifying Notifications'
  • Since there has been no response here yet, let me explain my issue. As my site continues to grow, members have pointed out the amount of site notifications they receive are a bit extreme. They are really only concerned with activities that involve them and not EVERYTHING going on at the site with other members.

    How can I setup the site notifications so that members are notified about what involves them? See the examples below:

    Member wants to be notified via site when:

    - Someone sends them a friend request

    - Someone starts following them

    - Someone likes, comments, or reposts one of their OWN posts on the timeline.

    - Someone replies directly to them on a comment made by them (whether it's their post or not)

    - When someone they are friends with or follows make a post on the timeline 

    - Someone mentions them using the @ symbol

    What do I need to check in the onsite notifications for this to happen?

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    • I had the same problem when I started with UNA. Then they added the option.... "Group Settings"  This option is very helpful.  I found it very useful to start with checking the box for "Group settings" on the first page. Other wise you need to go throu 100's of options. after that it's very easy to pick what you want from there.