Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • He's not reinstated yet? Really?

    • Nope. He spoke about the issues for Dev's here a while back to me. There is a lot of unnecessary red tape to go through and to much control by UNA, I guess. He had mentioned he was thinking of leaving a while back. Maybe this was the last straw for him?

      I know he had mentioned he was waiting to see what was doing and probably going to go there. He is a member there. He is simply waiting to see what happens. Its based on the Dolphin platform and is going under some serious renovations, to better the script. Right now there is a lot of backend recoding going on. Its been slow but moving gradually forward. I am impressed so far. The nice thing is, currently? Most modules purchased for Dolphin work on Cheetah. As long as they are around last 4 version updates. So far its been promising. But once the Cheetah script migrates to PHP8 you might find some new issues. PHP8 is currently one of the major over hauls. Deono (Owner), has already accomplished so much and corrected much.

      The more support it gets by users and Dev's the quicker the process will go.