Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • Yeah, he has pretty much given up support for his products.

    I purchased 4 of his modules about a week before he was kicked off of here. I requested a refund through PayPal and he responded nearly immediately and assured me he would fix all of the issues I was having with all the apps I had purchased and that he was figuring out why he was kicked off of here. I cancelled all refund requests because he was so responsive and promising...bad move.

    I hear back from him maybe once a week now, just promising to have me the solution for his broken modules the next day. That has been going on for about 6 weeks now. I am stuck with all the broken modules that never worked for me, so that is disappointing. (Because once you close a PayPal case, you can't reopen it...lesson learned)

    I am working to move away from as many of his modules as possible now since he isn't interested in supporting his products anymore. I would advise others to do the same 😕