Corey Dozier

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I am trying to understand Organizations a bit more. I was trying to create organizations with spaces but that doesn't seem to be how it works. Are organizations only able to be site wide, not space specific like a group?

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I am trying to create a Post in Context timeline for group pages but the post form doesn't show for some reason. I used the same modules that I used on my spaces and it works fine there. Is this a bug or am I setting something up wrong?

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I am trying to figure out how to add Ads in context. I have tried to do it via the "Create Post (Context)" module on the "View Space" page but it still doesn't post to that Space. Is the only way to control where the Ad appears to set the visibility when creating the Ad?

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I have several categories of Spaces that I would like to have direct links to in the main menu or maybe even a submenu. It would have the same affect as using the categories search functionality for spaces, showing a tiled view of the spaces in that category. Is that possible?

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Corey Dozier Discussions
Organizations in Spaces
Groups Post in Context
Ads in Context
Link to Space Categories Search Results