Comment to Help on Ads Module
Hello @deep !
1) You may do it globally via changing the following line in the modules/boonex/ads/classes/BxAdsMenuSnippetMeta.php file from this one:
$sPrice = _t_format_currency((float)$this->_aContentInfo[$CNF['FIELD_PRICE']]);
to this variant:
$sPrice = (float)$this->_aContentInfo[$CNF['FIELD_PRICE']];
But remember about this change before any update because UNA will count this file as changed.
2) It will require to find all ad(s) entries in the modules/boonex/ads/sql/install.sql and enable.sql and config.php files and the reinstallation of the app. It's better to wait our Jobs module release.
3) Yes, it's a proper way in which it should work.
4) Code modification will be required to check the logged user country and insert it into the browse method.
5) Humm, by default the Ads Search form contains the searchable Text field. Or do you want to have the dynamic work of it?