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Hi All,

I have installed Spacenook and default color of is blue. I would like to change color to .bg-col-blue2-dark .col-blue2-dark. How can I achieve this?


Another question:

What is recommended method to customize configuration to ensure that next update does not wipe it anything? (Example: In wordpress all customization was done in child theme so that update on these or Wordpress does not impacts customization)

Thank you so much for your support .


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Hi All,

I have installed Spacebook to explore further so that I can apply same config in production website.

While testing message functionality I found out that you can type message only when you will open messenger. As soon as you click out side then Message type box, emoji, attachment and send are becoming non clickable.

Could you please help me to find out why it is not working as expected?

Thank you so much for your time in advance.


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deep Discussions
How to change Default Color (Artificer)?
Type message box and attachment is not clickable