Comment to 'How do i add more content to my sign up and profile page'
  • Hello cr0atz !

    The view block operates with the fields of the current module, so you can't add the fields from Account forms to the Persons without some code's editing. The fields like "Email" have been added to the units modules like Persons or Organisations with the code's support. So the easiest way for you now - just create those fields in the "Add Person" form.

    • Yes I have done that but where is the data viewable?
      I have added it also to view person form and still nothing.
      I am confused how a client who creates a new account can enter data into the newly created fields (like Phone number and FB Profile) and how Admin can see that data?

      • Please specify definetely to what form did you add those fields? Because from your previous message it looks like you added it to "Create Account" but should be to "Create Person".