Hello @LeonidS
In order to hide the search box to visitors/guests globally, I have put the following code in Designer < Injections > Body injections:
<div class="bx-hide-when-logged-in"> <style> .bx-ti-search { display: none; } </style> </div>
As you can see, I have used the "bx-hide-when-logged-in" attribute and put the css style code inside a div to force it to work when people are logged out.
The css style works great globally. The search box is hidden globablly but the problem is that it is hidden for both "bx-hide-when-logged-in" and "bx-hide-when-logged-out". it seems to me that the "bx-hide-when-logged-in" works great with anything else but not the style
How to get that css style to apply only when "bx-hide-when-logged-in" is used? Any idea? Thanks