Comment to 'Posts Categories & Search Result BOXES'
  • MY FIX (took less than 10 minutes)...

    Just two relevant files for category boxes & search result boxes to display normally:

    1. modules/base/text/template/css  MAIN.CSS

    ADD the following code to your CUSTOM STYLES and CLEAR CACHE.
    (Protean example: go to PROTEAN > STYLES > CUSTOM STYLES)

    /* custom - modules > base > text > template > css > main.css  */
    .bx-base-text-unit-gallery h2 {
    max-height: none !important;
    white-space: normal !important;
    /* custom - end  */

    2. modules/base/text/template  UNIT_GALLERY.HTML

    Make a copy of the original/current unit_gallery.html file and save it locally/on your server as a backup.

    Copy and paste the attached text file into unit_gallery.html and upload.

    If you compare to the original file, you'll see that all I did was to flip the html around to display the TITLE and META before the thumbnail/summary.

    For a few of my websites, I just wanted the Title and Meta, without the summary/thumbnail, and hid those particular lines of code. It's up to you. 

    Just remember to clear all cache on your admin dashboard when done. On future UNA updates, this file may be overwritten (so you may have to repeat this).

    Here is the result (notice the difference from my original post). :)
