Comment to 'Calendar app messed up for German language'
  • @haris I'll better reply in English, because I had the same problem about 2 years ago with the same German language module. And other users will have them, too when using this German language module.

    The good message is: the language module is working with all versions of the UNA framework, even with those later than version 11, which it was originally built for. The not so good message is, it needs some work to correct it. @Anton L from the dev team helped me to find the issue and solve it at that time when I went through that nightmare of completely destroyed grids in German, whereas in English everything looked perfect. Thanks to Anton L, again.

    The problem is, that there a bad html tags everywhere in this German language mod. Here's a screenshot for explanation.


    Those bad tags are in the language keys and you have to find them and correct them manually in Polyglot. Anton gave me the good advice to use the source code function in developer tools of the browser and search for those faulty tags, like </ i>, </ b> and other markup tags, which should of corse be like </i>, </b>. After the correction the German language version will look exactly the same as the default English version.