Comment to 'Delete post just spins unless manual refresh is initiated'
  • Hello @CoolUser376 !

    This situation means that your UNA has the JS errors on the page during the running of the AJAX queries. It is possible to detect via the Browser Developer Tools (the F12 button in the Chrome browser)->Console tab. If the restart could help then I may suggest you use the PHP 8.3 and it is better to switch it on PHP 8.1 or 8.3.

    • Okay. I will look into it more when I get home from work.

      • I upgraded to PHP 8.3.8, restarted server services, and cleared cache. I still have the spinning progress problem when deleting a post. This is the last major problem to solve before starting beta testing with the members of my current social network. I have to fix this before that can start. I am trying to look in Developer Tools to track down the issue.


        • I have tracked down some error information. I'm not sure how to fix it. I am going to wait to see how you interpret this.

          When I make a test post while Developer Tools is open, I get the following error in Debugger: TypeError: $this.Flickity is not a function.

;oContent.hide();var oItem=bDivider?oDivider.after(oContent).next('.'+$this.sClassItem+':hidden'):oContent.prependTo(oItems);oItem.bx_anim('show',$this._sAnimationEffect,$this._iAnimationSpeed,function(){$(this).find('.bx-tl-item-text .bx-tl-content').bxCheckOverflowHeight($this.sSP+'-overflow',function(oElement){$this.onFindOverflow(oElement)});$this.initFlickity($this.oView);$this.Flickity('resize')});if($this._sVideosAutoplay!='off')

          When I go to delete the post, I get the following Console errors (stars added by me instead of ID numbers/letters string): Source Map Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. Content limit: 612032839.68 --> moz-extension://********-****-****-****-************/content_script.js.

          const content_limit_getSlice = (store) => {
            const updateContentLimit = async () => {
              const contentLimit = await get_content_limit();
              console.log(`Content limit: ${contentLimit}`);
              setTimeout(updateContentLimit, 10000);
            setTimeout(updateContentLimit, 500);
            return {};

          Hopefully, someone knows how to fix this. Maybe the timeout limits are wrong? This problem is occurring in both Firefox and Microsoft Edge.