I set up the Events module for my install using the latest UNA and was configuring everything. There are three problems with the module.
Problem #1: Commenting on group events is not possible unless the event creator creates an initial post. With profile events, anyone who is attending can post and comment. Commenting is an internal option in Pages, but it is turned off. If you turn it on, it just hangs on the event page and doesn't work. Here is a screenshot:
Problem #2: The Questionnaire option is unfinished. The event creator can start and edit a question, but it is not accessible to any other event attendees.
Problem #3: The event sub-menu item "Groups" does not get utilized. I just turned it off.
- 760
I am creating some interlinked pages using the custom module which would be accessed using a button in the top site menu. They need to look like the implementation when viewing an album. If I add a content block, how can I add the ability for users to comment on that page? Do I need to create a whole new module or can I use the built-in custom option in Pages in Studio?
I am setting up my Wiki and noticed that the footnotes display correctly in the preview box but not after being published. There is something in UNA (CSS?) that is stopping the footnotes from being shown properly.
- 735
I just started having this problem on 14.0.0-RC2. When I click on delete for any post under admin or regular user, I get the spinning dot wheel. If I refresh the page, the post is gone. I have cron working every minute. Yesterday, I restarted NGINX and the problem went away. But it is back now. The post should just clear right away.
- 900
When I upgraded UNA to 14.0.0-RC2, my iFrames started being blocked from showing on the Timeline. I'm looking through the code to try to figure out how to change this. I am downloading the last version to compare certain files. Does anyone know how to fix this?
- 3654
When I start a comment and select the emoji button in the Quill editor, I am getting a flickering problem with the popup emoji window (#emoji-palette). There is some kind of window/div/frame issue where I have trouble clicking on the categories or selecting an emoji. The emoji window is clipping when it runs into the following post on the timeline. On mobile, it goes underneath that next post at its start. I tried changing the width of the window in custom styles. But that didn't solve the issue. I notice it doesn't happen on this site. I'm not sure if this was something that was fixed post-UNA 13? I attached a screenshot. But the Windows screenshot tool doesn't capture the flickering.
- 2184
I am trying to set up a test album using one of my testing accounts. Anything related to processing album requests freezes my site. I end up having to reset NGINX and PHP-FPM 8.1. When I check my front-end error log, I get the following (edited):
*1251 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client: 0000:0000:0000::103, server: EXAMPLE.COM, request: "GET /wordpress/wp-admin/setup-config.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/EXAMPLE.COM.sock:", host: "EXAMPLE.COM"
*1257 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client: 0000:0000:0000::103, server: EXAMPLE.COM, request: "GET /wp-admin/setup-config.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/EXAMPLE.COM.sock:", host: "EXAMPLE.COM"
*1310 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client: 0000:0000:0000::103, server: EXAMPLE.COM, request: "GET /wordpress/wp-admin/setup-config.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/EXAMPLE.COM.sock:", host: "EXAMPLE.COM"
*1345 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client: 0000:0000:0000::103, server: EXAMPLE.COM, request: "GET /wp-admin/setup-config.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/EXAMPLE.COM.sock:", host: "EXAMPLE.COM"
*6 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: EXAMPLE.COM, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/EXAMPLE.COM.sock:", host: "EXAMPLE.COM", referrer: "h-t-t-p-s://EXAMPLE.-COM-/create-album"
I think I have some kind of conf file problem. I'm not sure. Also, I'm not using WordPress, but I had originally installed it to test the server before installing UNA.
- 2059
I was checking out the Manage Timeline table where you can deactivate various items for your timeline (in a 13.1.0 install). In the fourth column that refers to the active or inactive status, it was improperly showing the title "_bx_posts_grid_column_title_adm_status_admin" (in database, ID: 259, object: bx_timeline_common, name: status_admin) instead of the accompanying language text. I do not have the Posts module installed. I fixed this by going to Polyglot and adding a new custom module key with _bx_posts_grid_column_title_adm_status_admin (key), Custom (Module), and Posted Item Status (English language).
- 765
I was playing around with a test install weeks ago and ran into a problem where I could not edit posts. On that server, I temporarily fixed it by making the Timeline module inactive and then active again. I have moved on to a new install using 13.1.0 on a new server. Today, I ran into the same problem of the post (update) edit function not working and leading to a forever spinner. This happened after I submitted one test post using Quill's video button for a YouTube link and one post using its HTML button to add a video embed code. I checked the error log in FASTPANEL. I am using Ubuntu 22.04 with PHP 8.1. The log states the error as the following (Edited for privacy. I also had to change web-links due to a message on here saying that Standard members can't post links.):
[error] 357990#357990: *5078 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "bx_timeline_photos" in /var/www/EXAMPLE_site/data/www/EXAMPLE_site/modules/boonex/timeline/classes/BxTimelineDb.php on line 263PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "bx_timeline_photos" in /var/www/EXAMPLE_site/data/www/EXAMPLE_site/modules/boonex/timeline/classes/BxTimelineDb.php on line 264" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: EXAMPLE_site, request: "POST /m/timeline/get_edit_form/3/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi**:**/**/unix:/var/run/EXAMPLE_site.sock:", host: "EXAMPLE_site", referrer: "htt*p**s*:*/*/*EXAMPLE*.*com/"
I used my SSH program to track down the file and see what it is referring to. Here is the relevant code:
public function getMedia($sType, $iEventId, $iOffset = 0, $bFullInfo = false)
$sTableMedia = $this->_aTablesMedia[$sType];
$sTableMedia2Events = $this->_aTablesMedia2Events[$sType];
$sMethod = 'getColumn';
$sSelectClause = "`tme`.`media_id` AS `id`";
if($bFullInfo) {
$sMethod = 'getAll';
$sSelectClause = "`tm`.*, `tme`.`event_id` AS `event_id`";
$sLimitAddon = '';
if($iOffset != 0)
$sLimitAddon = $this->prepareAsString(" OFFSET ?", $iOffset);
$sQuery = $this->prepare("SELECT " . $sSelectClause . "
FROM `" . $sTableMedia2Events . "` AS `tme`
LEFT JOIN `" . $sTableMedia . "` AS `tm` ON `tme`.`media_id`=`tm`.`id`
WHERE `tme`.`event_id`=?" . $sLimitAddon, $iEventId);
return $this->$sMethod($sQuery);
After checking likely culprits, I fixed the problem by shutting off the "Treat images inserted in the editor as attachments" and "Enable priority of media content over links in attachments" options in Timeline settings and clearing the cache. That's all I know, but I figured it might help someone to post this info.
- 944