Comment to 'Trying to understand the Forms'
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    • Hello Sandeep!

      I guess this manual will be useful for you

      • Lets say a list of colors.
        The first is to create a new list. We call it colors. Then we add 'blue', 'green', 'red'.
        Go to "Forms" and select "Data Lists" Choose "Custom Module" in the dropdown.
        Then "Make new List". This is the Name of the list column in a spreadsheet. [Colors]
        Then select "Data Items"
        In the dropdown, select "custom" and you should be able to see your new [Colors]. Select it and start adding each color Red, Green, Blue
        Now, how to set it to practical use, is still a mystery to me. The use of lists and tables is of immense importance, but many refrain from doing it, because they are insecure about working with SQL and then make the PhP code to apply the data to the site. so normally people just make a huge pile of pages and add a navigation system. This slows down the site as a whole.
        My guess is to use one of the skeleton blocks on pages to lure forward the data, but I actually have no idea and have not been able to make anything work yet.
        My suggestion is that someone in the team could make blocks specifically aimed for handling forms data. Show the data from as a list or add data to a list. As it is now, it's as confusing as Pali language.