Comment to 'PHP - FAIL'
Comment to PHP - FAIL
  • Thank you! I never noticed the menu was actually a menu since it looked somewhat like a dropdown thing. Anyways I ran it and saw the allow_url_fopen off so I turned that on. The website  dashboard is still taking forever unable to load certain things like the "status" part and the version name. But uh there is no longer any error about the php. In "300 Errors" on my Cpanel I get this though:

    [Tue Nov 06 10:02:10.495921 2018] [lsapi:notice] [pid 274870:tid 139951589570304] Backend log: PHP Notice:  Array to string conversion in /home/arcax285/WEBSITE/modules/boonex/profiler/classes/BxProfiler php on line 574\n, referer: WEBSITE/page/edit-persons-profile?id=1

    Thank you for the fast and helpful response to my somewhat idiotic question and sorry for my next question which may be as noobish eheh. I hope you have a wonderful day though!

    • I think it's better to disable or uninstall Profiler module, actually it's better to enable it sometimes to find bottlenecks and then disable again, it adds debug info everywhere as the result some things could not work properly.