Comment to '"allow_url_include is on" on 11.0.3'
  • So, it turns out that the problem was the PHP version. I was on PHP 8.3 and the highest 11.0.3 can go is PHP 7.4. Now I have to figure out how to get from 11.0.3 to 14.0.0 B2. Every time I click the Upgrade button, it doesn't do anything. Any ideas?

    • Hello @mrochek !

      So what is the PHP version do you have now? Do your Cron Jobs work? Do you have any PHP errors in your error logs?

      • I finally discovered that PHP 7.4 was the highest I could go without causing the error. It seems that the Cron Jobs work now that I am on PHP 7.4. I don't have any current errors. But it seems like I cannot upgrade the site anymore. It wants to go from 11.0.4 to 14.0.0 B2. I suspect it wants me to upgrade my PHP version first, but if I do that, then I cannot get access to the studio to continue with upgrades.image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2195&dpx=2&t=1724422691