Comment to 'Upload limit for profile pics'
  • mine looks like that too, everything says ok. we're going in circles here, I just need to set upload limit for profile pictures. regardless of my server limits. I would want that limit, even if I had nasa's computer.

    • Hello @Nurf !

      You may try to run the following query in your UNA database:

      UPDATE `sys_objects_storage` SET `max_file_size`='new size in bytes' WHERE `object`='bx_persons_pictures';

      (the size in Bytes is equal to the [N*1024*1024] value, where N is the up limit in Megabytes)

      • would this affect profile picture upload size? I've noticed even this website ( doesn't have that limit either. (I would never actually press upload, but everything seems reproduceable here.) I want users to be able to post up to 25mb per file, but profile pics to 1.5mb. if you know which file I'd need to modify for that, it would be pretty cool.

        what you sent looks like it would affect everyone and everything(?)

        • Yes, updated my post. Thnx for notice!