What about memory_limit and other details form the same area? Do you have the possiblity to provide me your server Control Panle access? If yes, then provide it via Messenger.
This is all I can provide right now. I have to leave for work:
version = 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20 - OK
allow_url_fopen = On - OK
allow_url_include = Off - OK
magic_quotes_gpc = Off - OK
memory_limit = 128 MB - OK
post_max_size = 100 MB - OK
upload_max_filesize = 100 MB - OK
register_globals = Off - OK
safe_mode = Off - OK
disable_functions - OK
php module: curl = curl - OK
php module: gd = gd - OK
php module: mbstring = mbstring - OK
php module: json = json - OK
php module: fileinfo = fileinfo - OK
php module: zip = zip - OK
php module: openssl = openssl - OK
php module: exif = exif - OK
MySQL version = 8.0.40 - OK
PHP accelerator = ZendOPcache - OK
PHP setup = fpm-fcgi - OK
key_buffer_size = 16 MB - OK
max_heap_table_size = 32 MB - OK
tmp_table_size = 32 MB - OK
thread_cache_size = 9 - OK
I just increased it in php.ini.