Comment to 'App Store Improvement Proposal'
  • PRO apps will be modules listed with */year.

    They have other yearly products, and hosting, but any module listed with */year is PRO.

    • This is some kind of sophisticated form of masochism :). As a newcomer with a fresh perspective but also someone very attentive and in IT since the mid-80s, I know well how much developers idolize code and programs and tend to be condescending toward users. But a product won’t sell itself, which might explain why there’s turnover among external model developers—they don’t see consistent, exciting monetization for their work (I hope I’m wrong).

      I genuinely don’t understand why, while in the App Store, I have to navigate somewhere else, scrolling through pages with a dozen vague services for $120k, hoping to find something reasonable on the x-th search page. A client who’s not a UNA geek won’t navigate these complexities and will simply leave. Wasn’t the App Store created for convenience? The actual number of modules doesn’t match the count, either.

      I’m only suggesting adding another search option—for convenience. I fully understand the team is busy but wanted to highlight areas where changes might help retain more customers. I personally gain nothing from this.