Comment to 'Cron jobs not working for video conversion'
  • The issues were resolved. In case anyone else is having similar challenges maybe this information will help.

    Thank you for your patience up until now.
    We are glad to inform you that we have successfully managed to resolve the experienced issue.
    It appeared that the issue was caused due to the following two reasons:
    there were disabled functions of the PHP 7.4 version causing the cron job to not load properly
    the Imagick PHP extension was not installed for PHP 7.4.
    We have adjusted the settings as well as installed the Imagick PHP extension and can confirm that the videos are now being properly processed and converted. We have uploaded a test video that you can check when logging into your account to verify.
    Please, do not hesitate to update us if we can be of any further assistance.
    Best Regards,
    Peter Hensley
    Technical Support Team