Everquin, LLC

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When using the Snipcart module any images uploaded show as an attachment. When on a product page the thumbnails are blank with the text of the image file and if you click on it the image displays as a full window without ability to go from one image to the next (like any ecommerce site). Is there a workaround or setting to allow more of a carousel function like expected? Also any ability to upload videos would be beneficial.

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As a longtime user of UNA & Dolphin prior to that, I wanted to sound off on the recent issues regarding Modzzz & MSolutions. We have been using and relying on Dolphin (now Una) developers like AQBsoft, Modzzz & MSolutions for nearly 10 years. We've invested many thousands of dollars on their modules as well as custom work. The serious issue I see is if Una is adversarial with their main developers (Modzzz and MSolutions) then those parties will just walk away, leaving hundreds of UNA users with unsupported modules and work. We have dozens of modules from these two developers and want to know we can continue using them with UNA updates.

It would be helpful if UNA would sound off on the status of these developers and a plan to resolve them. They both have offered amazing modules that have many necessary features to a great social media website.

One possible solution. If either Modzzz or MSolutions are not welcome back or not interested in moving forward supporting the UNA platform I would strongly suggest UNA offer to acquire all rights and control to their module library. Have AQBSoft take over and integrate them into custom offerings or make much of them standard in UNA platform.

We await some input and insight on UNA's plans moving forward with or without these two amazing developers.

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Curious how to resolve this. Set up a new instance of UNA 13 and it shows php fail in server audit (see screenshot). According to the hosting provider (TMD Hosting) none of the allow/disallow conflict with these. But also noticed photo uploads fail and emails aren't being sent out. Any wisdom in the UNA community would be appreciated.

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This is a suggestion and a question. Is there a way (process or aftermarket app) to better and more easily maintain permissions. As it stands its ungainly to add/change/view permissions when there are more than a couple membership levels.

I would think the ideal would be more of a spreadsheet layout with checkboxes for the enable/disable and then the specific edit actions (number of times allowed daily, etc) as simple text boxes.

Conversely is there a way to more easily change these things on the backend thru phpMyAdmin or something?

Thanks in advance for others guidance and experience on this

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y93spquxpsyythj3gzb2pwb9sxcz3utr.pngCurious how to set up drop down menus similar to what unacms.com has in top navigation bar. We are using Decorous template but like how links are consolidated into groups like

"community" for easier and cleaner navigation.

  • 1878
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Does anyone know or has anyone used Cloudflare's Stream plan to host the media content of their UNA sites. The monthly rate is excellent for how much content and, as a service, we prefer Cloudflare to AWS or other options.

Curious if anyone has used it or any issues (if known) with this as a the remote content source.


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We are running a dedicated server from TMD hosting. For some reason the cron job doesn't seem to be working to convert videos. We've had TMD tech confirm everything is set properly on the server side with FFMPEG so I'm assuming the cron isn't triggered. Can someone please confirm the cron script that should be added for video conversion. Thanks.

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May your life be like a roll of toilet paper -- long and full of use...
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Everquin, LLC Discussions
Snipcart image issue
Issues with Modzzz and MSolutions
PHP Fail error
Suggestion: Streamline permissions process
How to add drop down menu navigation
Using CloudFlare's Stream service for images/video