Comment to 'ICONS????'
Comment to ICONS????
  • So I found only this page in GitHub
    Which are instructions for a paid module and not for UNA.
    Modules are extensions of UNA - even the paid ones made by the team. Extensions are not UNA itself.
    I am looking to use UNA's own icons. Not to be dragged in to buying a product. It's rarely the product itself that sells. It is the concept, the product represent, which sells. In this case the concept is UNA. If it feels like UNA need extra products to work properly - then it is hardly a free product anymore. Then it feels more like a scam to make money.
    Sorry for being so upfront and direct. i understand an income is needed, but if the main attraction(which is UNA) is faulty, then it will reflect on the modules as well.
    I often ask people "Imagine your product is a house - would you honestly live in it?"
    Compared to other CMS out there, UNA is an ultimate high-class luxury house, where you can see all the cool things it can do. But in many cases, to make things work - you will have to fiddle with the wiring yourself and without proper instruction on how and where to fiddle. We are entering 2019. People are getting more demanding and annoying.