Comment to 'Pro Apps for Free?'
  • Pro Apps for Free?

    As a client/user, we can understand that in such a sluggish economic environment, you want to increase your income through various charging methods! 

    However, have you ( thought about it ?! the scale of the project is huge, similar to the current top10 various types of social media and the number of developers in these top10 companies is also huge! 

    The unique feature of the una platform is that it allows clients/users to create their own social platforms and also actually participate in the error reporting before each version upgrade. This error correction process actually saves a lot of human resources for the una development team!

    My suggestion is: the version upgrade still insists on the existing free method for members; for una Pro Apps in the platform, a charging scheme is adopted with a reward mechanism, that is,  the more bugs reported by members in the actual use of the platform, the greater the price discount they enjoy , and even enjoy free prices!